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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. Reason why I loved this channel was how diverse it was, please bring back unboxing weird and unusual things around the world, Survival boxes ? Knifes ? Drinks ? Stuff to Eat!

  2. Finaly you get another aproach to the "Lew Later" channel wich if i remember correct in the past you talk about some top 5 thing (witch was a good try …) and some music (witch i kinda liked it ) now you changed it to something realy promising i watched your content from a pair of sonys Xb500 witch i searched and your video popped out and i watched it you definately change a lot… your style, your content, i remember the shure se846 video was one of my favorites (with the backround music and so much detailed revew ) from then you did a lot of progress that even you back then couldn't imagine….And your new or sould i say reborn channel will have the same luck i believe …Hope you bring back your music attempts and style you have ….I appreciate the amount of work you and your cooparators do everyday so we have a fresh video (that is hard and time consuming and time is so valuable because life is so short and never goas back and runs so quickly…soo yeah ….) i will let this comment being burried in a sea of other commets..either so have a good day and everyone else that is reding this……

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