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About the Author: IGN


  1. Why did Waynetech crates hang around in the prison? Well, it was said that Waynetech was the one building this prison.

    How come then Batman's gadgets were lying around for everyone to be found? Well, only he could access these crates since he knows the codes. But apparently Bruce suspected it would be handy to have some gadgets spread around in case he might end up short one day.

    How these questions of reviewer are any form of valid criticism is beyond me. He himself acknowledges the Metroidvania style of gameplay. Do the Metroid Prime and Castlevania games always explain why certain items are in a certain place? No! It's a freaking videogame where those kinds of elements are present.

  2. Dang it man, Amazing Spider-Man in PS Vita managed to have an OK open world to Vita, why didn't WB games make this 3D in 3rd person and have a map kinda the same size with Arkham City? ?

  3. Does this game have alternate costumes for some reason I have been a fan of super hero games with alternate costumes so if I Donโ€™t like the Default costume I can just change my costume to something else

  4. Am I the only one who hates this games? It has some cool ideas but it's mostly frustrating and repetitive.

  5. Good game but could've been better, specially on Vita wich's capable of much more. Must buy to Arkham series fans.7.0 would be my rate.

  6. im so confused…. there are millions of vita fans but sony reports that vita was an epic failure either there are fake fans or you guys take care of your vitas ….. i want one …..bummer

  7. The video gives players wrong impression on the game… First off they used 3DS video footage!! That's wrong!! On 3DS THE GAME IS IN 3D!! So i can forgive its crappy graphics on 3DS.
    On vita, this game actually looks pretty nice.. The graphics are close to console version. My minor complain is that it feels castlevania (2d sidescroller) game at times… But otherwise its worth 10usd or below.

  8. The video gives players wrong impression on the game… First off they used 3DS video footage!! That's wrong!! On 3DS THE GAME IS IN 3D!! So i can forgive its crappy graphics on 3DS.
    On vita, this game actually looks pretty nice.. The graphics are close to console version. My minor complain is that it feels castlevania (2d sidescroller) game at times… But otherwise its worth 10usd or below. Ps: i owned both 3ds n vita ver of this game

  9. The video gives players wrong impression on the game… First off they used 3DS video footage!! That's wrong!! On 3DS THE GAME IS IN 3D!! So i can forgive its crappy graphics on 3DS.
    On vita, this game actually looks pretty nice.. The graphics are close to console version. My minor complain is that it feels castlevania (2d sidescroller) game at times… But otherwise its worth 10usd or below. Ps: i owned both 3ds n vita ver of this game

  10. you have to find batman's gadgets in the levels? am i the only one whos completely fine with that? people complain how samus in metroid always loses her stuff in every game but i dont care.

  11. Lol this dude was playing on a 3ds no wonder it looked like a wii he should've reviewed it on vita. Looks way better running at a solid 30fps

  12. Those Waynetech crates are probably lying around cos Bruce called Alfred and asked him to use The Bat to make a tactical drop. CAUTION. ARKHAM ORIGINS SPOILER
    Like how when he fought Copperhead in Origins he had Alfred Synthesise an Antidote and drop it in

  13. "its a shit game… lets give it 7.4/10"… Giving shit games a decent score makes your rating system have such wishy-washy value that you really shouldn't bother

  14. why the hell would this game be like the console version, handhelds are like meant to be played on the go and the systems have less power anyway but who cares if the game is not a fully roaming 3d environment with tons of content and endless amounts of things to unlock(via DLC), i think ign have forgotten the reasons why people play games, fun seems to not be as important as graphics,cgi and real life open worlds these days, This is why new games on consoles absolutely suck, they just don't get it. first downvote in a long time.ย 

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