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About the Author: IGN


  1. I don't get people complaining about the graphics. I think they look great. Yeah, it's not Last of Us 2, but it looks better than the majority of western rpgs like kingdom come and mass effect andromeda.

  2. This looks awesome. First video I have seen for the game and I am already feeling some hype. The animation quality seems very high and must have greatly benefitted from the mo-cap! I love the quick peek into crafting and the talk of social abilities. Especially with reference to table-top for inspiration. Can't wait to see more! And not too far off either 🙂

  3. The game shows potential but they should have spent some more resources on animation, specially facial animations. I'm really rooting for them and hope this is a great experience.

  4. I reeeally hope that the game is properly optimized. Sometimes these AA games are either badly optimized, poorly bug tested or both.

    Crossing my fingers for the best cuz this looks dope as hell!

  5. I have high hope for this game. The combat, UI and character progression are really similar to their previous game Technomancer. Hopefully it doesn't inherit the repetitiveness though…

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