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About the Author: IGN


  1. Activision – "Lets find out how we can charge for that red dot without getting caught in the fire". " Maybe this time we can use a surprise getaway."

  2. Is this game going to be full of micro transactions? To think I luved this franchise at one point and now everything about it just turns me away.

  3. Weapon customization looks great, but the weapon variety looks kinda weak. Hopefully they're just not showing us all the guns available in the game because its an early build, but only one sniper? Only 2 lmgs and shotguns, and only 3 smgs? Disappointing

  4. 1 sniper…..1 sniper?
    Aside from the limited weapons. It looks like battlefield. I really hope there's a battle royale with this type of play and movement. But if it has no BR than multiplayer will be lackluster and not very cod like.

  5. I feel like one attachment in each category should be permitted. They each have their cons, so it's not like it wouldn't be fair. Although 9 attachments does sound kind of absurd…

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