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About the Author: Jimmy Broadbent


  1. I have an xbox one x . I only really ever play dirt rally with the wheel but need some help ,I have £500 to spend on a VR headset ,would you guys give me some tips and help me decide which headset I should buy ? Thanks

  2. PSVR WHEN? loved the original. sadly the controls and physics in Dirt Rally 2.0 is a lot harder than 1.0, makes it almost impossible to drive.

    I have played hours and hours and hours of PSVR and haven't felt sick once… ok i have once and it was Skyrim VR, weird though as driving in WipEout and Dirt Rally VR is fine.

  3. I recently bought a Rift S and eventually got around to giving dirt 1 a go ….on my F1 GT rig complete with F1 wheel ……. so that was fun … time to buy a new wheel

  4. Took me 4 minutes In to realize you don't own the Rift and that's why you're using Vive lol
    4:55 "can't moan too much cuz it's a free update" I don't get the sentiment. Updates are supposed to be free.

  5. my bank account see me watching this vid and said : Yaww HELL NAAWW !!!
    i wnat it so bad roght now !!! F***
    Thanks for this amazing video btw

  6. What you get is a ported PlayStation game with the same horrible menu system as before with much lower graphics. refunded 5 min after playing,completely disappointing.

  7. Is that me or gear indicator on lcd is faster than actual gear changes made manually ? It's changing even before gear has been changed :'D

  8. Best VR accessory… a puke bucket 😀 It does take a bit to handle, even for (or maybe worst) to people who rally IRL or drive somewhat sporty and are good at it.

  9. The land rover in elite dangerous broke me, only time I ever spewed. I can see how racing in VR on a rally track could do it to yah as well. Get them VR legs first friends!

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