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About the Author: IGN


  1. Yeah I can see from the graphics that their just remasters, since they did all 3 at once it won’t be like the kiwami games where took their time with it updated the graphics and added a ton of stuff. It probably would be better if they took time developing each game individually but I’m still excited nonetheless

  2. I understand yakuza 3 was a ps3 game so it didnt need the kiwami treatment, but after playing the first 3 chapters soon after completing judgment it is very jarring, yakuza 3 could do with the kiwami treatment as its combat is very dated.

  3. Man, i was playing these days Yakuza 6 and think when the other Yakuza remastered are gonna come out. Yakuza 3 it's the only one in the series that I never play

  4. I've already played Yakuzas 1,2,4,5, 6 and 0. I'm officially no longer a new Yakuza fan I'm considered to be a semi-veteran. As for the rest of the new Yakuza fans who can't even play 3,4,and 5 on the PS3 you guys need to catch up. Lol

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