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About the Author: IGN


  1. Or rather one should read the books. So far it doesn't do them justice nor in the main heroine character depiction neither in the familiar yet fantastical and magical world department. It's always a bad sign if the show feels a need to explain in text what kind of world and story we are about to see before it starts instead of showing it in clever storytelling. 

    On the other hand for people unfamiliar with the original it might be a pleasant experience, but pilot did close to nothing to make me care for these characters.

  2. As someone who loves the books I’m finding it hard not to notice the things that are different, or missing. But I am trying to remain optimistic. I think the first episode did a lot of things right.

  3. Just finished episode one. Definitely not a 9/10. I never read the books, so I’m going into this blind. The episode seemed to be all over the place and even though it was only a hour long, it made me not feel or care for any of the characters. Still has me intrigued, will keep watching.

  4. the guy that wrote this did it because he hated christianity with passion wanted to respond to the guys that created Narnia who had religious themes. all themes takes shots at religion every angle. so i can't watch this crap knowing that creator militant athiest who sole purpose was to attack Christianity.

  5. To be honest I didn't like the actors who played Lyra and Mrs Coulter and the whole episode felt rushed. The one who plays Lyra just does not look the part or act well, and the one who plays Mrs Coulter does not look the part but can act well enough.

  6. the only time i've seen footage of "the golden compass" was on Cinemasins…..and it didn't go well…..Now with this review i'm wondering if i should dive into this world.

  7. I'm still kinda confused as to how this world functions. I mean I can accept talking animals in a fantasy but why is it certain people have animals?

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