Deception, Lies and Unbox Therapy!!!

This episode previously aired live on Twitch on December 8th, 2019. Timestamps: ▻ YouTube Rewind 2019: 2:32 ▻ DrDisrespect TV Show Coming Soon: …


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About the Author: #TipsterNews


  1. That's disgusting. I am a proud pitbull (or pibble, as I call him) owner and have NEVER HIT HIM FOR BEING EXCITED! Yes, they are big heavy dogs, and yes they get excited and start "zooming" but how about someone shows up and pops that dumb bitch in the face everytime she gets excited. I'm guessing she wouldnt like it too much. Poor pup…

  2. i cant believe Suzy Lu is getting over 100,000 views just viewing old Naruto episodes. a few going over 200,00. i cant understand it. too many cucks just viewing her because she is a girl and has okay looks.

  3. ubt's been an obvious shyster for years so..

    you really believe that he wouldn't know illegal roms when he sees them loaded on a device? would you give him the benefit of doubt of being as dumb f as soulja boy?

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