Observer: System Redux Review

Observer: System Redux Review

Observer: System Redux reviewed by Sarah LeBoeuf on Xbox Series X, also available on PlayStation and PC. Bloober Team’s Observer: System Redux is an …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. Why does everyone from IGN sounds like a robot when they do these reviews. Not only that why does it sound like they’re reading it from a script. Maybe it’s me.

  2. Manager – hey what we should give this game a name
    Developer – just choose any name from software engineering design pattern (observer pattern, redux(flux) pattern)…
    Manager – damn!

  3. It's a shame they felt the need to throw in "game-y" stealth sections where you can die.
    Should have kept the whole thing playing like an interactive story and just embraced the walking sim moniker.

  4. Hey this is a great review and all but where is the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles review?? The game's been out for a day and I'm surprised it hasn't been covered yet.

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