World War Z: Aftermath – Official Gameplay Overview Trailer

World War Z: Aftermath - Official Gameplay Overview Trailer

The developers of World War Z: Aftermath walk you through gameplay examples of what’s new in the Aftermath edition of the game, including the new locations, …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. so its a dlc summed up with basic game changes and better graphics for the full price of a new tripple A tittle, none of you are free of sin

  2. GOTY edition was fun, but it was a obvious knock-off of L4D right down to the special infected. It has it' moments, but the characters are forgettable and it just lacks the charm and fun of L4D.

  3. What if you bought the season pass? It literally only came with episode 5 and cosmetics. That's it. So will those people that bought it get those additional stories with the pass?

  4. Крутая игра, до дыр затер уже и полностью все прокачал. Покупать однозначно буду, тем более сразу два эпизода- это просто жир. Надеюсь, что и это длц не будет последним.

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