Apple Maps vs Google Maps vs Nokia Maps Test Comparison

Apple Maps vs Google Maps vs Nokia Maps Test Comparison

iPhone 5 with Apple Maps, Nexus 4 with Jelly Bean and Google Maps and Nokia Lumia 920 with Windows Phone 8 Nokia Maps Test Comparison. Local search …


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About the Author: TechRadar


  1. you are modulating your voice too much, just cant understand the last bit of your sentences. And they say, Indians have a bad accent!

  2. Nokia improved their maps to functionally work the best of the three at least in the Middle East. Google maps works but very sneakily imposes data charges even after caching maps. Google still needs a data connection even with cache. Apple maps cannot even find its way out of the Dubai airport. I got a bad sense here a veiled attempt here is that all 3 of these map makers are sneakily selling us on cloud dependency.

  3. NOKIA really is NO.1 ..
    Best innovation company…
    NOKIA Rich Recording, PURE VIEW with OIS,DOLBY DIGITAL PLUS better than Beats Audio(HTC)
    Real time Offline Mapping with out Data connection..
    i tried also removing SIM card also work perfectly..
    Better Battery Life than Any other smartphones..
    i always see i..
    In Mid 2014 NOKIA introduces self charging phone
    Most of the companys follow NOKIA..

  4. Why is nokia here maps are available for other phones and specially for other OS's? It was a differentiator, and nokia and specially windows phones has very less differentiators and plus points comparing to IOS and Android. Whats the point of buying a windows phone or a nokia when almost everything is available for others as well? :/

  5. You haven't tried shit..This is how dumb your apple fanboys get. Apple map is the worst. Apple even said it them selves it was a fail and said sorry to google ..This is a fact and aother fact is how much of a apple troll you are.

  6. how could not mention OFFLINE MAPS functionality! That's quite an important thing, and Nokia is in fact the only one to offer that… being able to download a map for any country on WiFi and then being able to view it later without any data charges! Come on!

  7. "Now Google maps learns where you live and finds transport info" with local places and search results???
    Seems like a leaf out of Bing Local Scout. He he… 😀

  8. If the whole phone sucks, then who do many people still use it and buy it? Give a name of a celebrity who uses a Nokia Lumia. Name one, JUST ONE. Celebrities either use a BlackBerry or an iPhone cause they have a simple UI not like an Android or a "Lumia"

  9. google should tell nokia "we give you 1.5 million dollars and we can also include that camera thing that you can identify stuff" or something like that, it doesen't have to be that ammount of money but they have to figure that out.

  10. You're right. I live in South Africa. I use google maps on my pc and Nokia maps on my phone. The coverage on the phone is much better in South Africa. My first test with both was as easy as to find the complex where I stay, Google failed to provide me any suggestion, then I tried with more places, Nokia was always more accurate and got more suggestions than Google. Google beat Nokia only when I was using Nokia maps offline(some data can be missed).

  11. Nokia fans are waking up, from their comments they sound better than androids fan, who just know how to hate apple. Looking forward towards the comeback of Nokia!

  12. What about all the iPhone 5 / iOS 6 users that DON'T live in America though?! Maybe Apple should have launched it America only first, sorted out the bugs then done a general world-wide release. Thanks for watching us.

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