THE BITCOIN AND CRYPTO MARKET had quite a rebound from Sept. to November. Here are 3 reasons why we might just be getting started. 0:00 – Market …


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About the Author: Digital Asset News


  1. You're preaching to the converted when it comes to gold, Rob – Peter Schiff is who you should be telling. Not that he'd listen to you though.

  2. Rob, I have the deepest respect for all that you do, but to hear to say inflation is at 2% I had to chime in. Although it is very difficult to calculate inflation because it is different in every sector we can get very close to a nation wide average. I personally use the S&P 500 returns as a proxy. Therefore when I compare assets to invest in I measure them to the S&P from a year over year return. Please take this as constructive and not an attack – U rock, Pura Vida

  3. Investors are getting out of gold? I guarantee you that it is not physical gold they are getting rid of. Just the paper. There is hundred times more gold on a paper then real gold in existence.

  4. Let's see what the charts will look like in a bear market. In a bull market, everyone pulls out a positive chart , i'ill be waiting to see what hapoens in a bear market.
    Who is using the lightning network? Who is using their bitcoin for pizza's,
    nobody uses a store of value for pizzas or starbucks. That's always been a bad idea and will continue to be.

  5. Rob, regarding the SEC’s concerns about stable coins, I don’t think it has anything to do with competing against a US CBDC. The fear about unregulated stable coins is related to how they are backed. For example, we all know that Tether is backed by a lot of “commercial paper.” What if all the paper was Evergrande debt and the company collapsed? It could cause panic selling of Tether causing it to collapse. That would force many investors to sell stocks to raise cash to cover those losses and possibly trigger a collapse of global stock markets. I don’t think stable coins are big enough yet for such a scenario to play out, but with continued exponential growth it could be possible in the not too distant future.

  6. We are only 9 days in to Oct lol You're premature on your intro saying Oct was great 🤣 ( UNLESS YOU'RE FROM THE FUTURE ROB )..lol but yes November will be awesome as a matter of fact….Oct Nov and Dec are the strongest months for BTC.

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