Playing SQUID GAME but in VIRTUAL REALITY – Drop In VR Gameplay

Playing SQUID GAME but in VIRTUAL REALITY - Drop In VR Gameplay

Playing SQUID GAME but in VIRTUAL REALITY – Drop In VR Gameplay Red light green light can now be played in VR and it’s terrifying. In this video, we also …


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About the Author: Fudgy


  1. day 81 of asking fudgy to make your own godzilla with plasma beam t rex head with max stats and make all of the body parts max scale and call it THEULTIMATEGODZILLA

  2. day 1,007 of asking fudgy to make a T-rex with soo sooooooo much armor and weapons with tenticles and make a the stats 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 max stats

  3. 3 of asking fudgy to make a giant plasma spino that has a flamethrower on his tail with the plasma beams on the spine that is better than Godzilla and bigger than him to please

  4. Day 35 of asking Fudgy to make a scaled-up wyvern with spikes on its back, harpoons on its feet, and harpoons and plasma cannons in its mouth. U can also add anything else like armor in ARBS

  5. Day 3 of asking Fudgy to Make Bob, Carl, Good boi and Fish sticks big brother a Trex dragon and give him wings and flamethrowers and increase the attack multi to 5 and add spikes on his best attacking spots and name him Blaze

    AND name the skeleton t-rex Bones or Big Ribs

    Itll be 2022 when Fudgy would pick my comment

  6. Day 11 of asking fudgy to make a army killer killer killer killer killer killer and make it strong enough to take down the scourge use a purrasuras

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