Bitcoin Market Cycles

Bitcoin Market Cycles

It is time to dive back into Bitcoin market cycle theory. Are we on schedule? How does Bitcoin’s price action stack up compared to prior cycles? In this video we …


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About the Author: Benjamin Cowen


  1. The money doesn't exist in the world to mimic dramatic over hyped bull markets every 4 years. If it did then were heading for 8 trillion market cap this cycle, then 30+ trillion in 2024-2025. 100 trillion before 2030.

  2. ⚠️ Warning: Avoid all the fake ben scammers w/whatsApp in the comments and replies⚠️

  3. Can we take a second to thank Ben for his AI ITC bot in the comment section. Making sure the noobs don’t get wrecked. Papa Ben on the look out.

  4. Cycle 1 and 2 saw no diminishing returns but cycle 2 saw a lengthening cycle. Cycle 3 saw diminishing returns and a lengthening cycle. Cycle 4 has thus far mirrored cycle 3, sometimes above, sometimes below, but looks like it'll also have a lengthened cycle. Isn't it possible that Cycle 4 could avoid diminishing returns.

    Lengthening cycles makes sense as a reflection of there's just more money that needs to be moved and that process takes time. Diminishing returns needs a reason. Is that reason less capital available? Don't you also have to consider that crypto has hit a new level of visibility and accessibility over the past few years with far more institutional interest? Meanwhile, the supply of bitcoin hasn't changed.

    I'm not betting on $300k+ bitcoin… but it is still technically in the realm of possibility. Personally, my bet is on at least a double from current price, with the hopes that it'll spike beyond that… I guess we'll see how it plays out.

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