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About the Author: H E A R T R E D


  1. ¡Ugh! ¡¡¡I LOVE YOUR INTRO ITS SO F##KING GOOD I LOVE IT!!! Can I use it? I’ll give you all the credits I cannn!!! Pls pls pls pls [I’m fan and I’m subscribed like 9 months ago I’m looking for intros but I don’t find one if I can use yours I’ll give you the credits]

  2. Btw its actual name is an Oculus I think. But the vr/oculus isn't for s3xu@l stuff but many kids have been doing very bad stuff and inappropriate and s3xu@l stuff which Is honestly sick and a oculus costs about over 300 with taxes I know this because my brother has one, And you can't just randomly do that like s3xu@l stuff because have you ever thought about the young people and minors there? There's a lot of them playing the oculus/vr but if you did that like s3xu@l stuff your honestly sick and I would never want to see someone like you ruining vr/oculus for people and for minors and remember fellow humans never online date. Thank you very much for reading this and good bye.

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