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  1. I wonder if they will add any sort of sea serpent. I get what they are trying to go for, a realistic pirate game to rival sea of theives but I also would like a bit of fiction as well such as monsters like a sea serpent or a kraken, also they need melee combat

  2. Open world pirate game yes please! Unfortunately for me personally multilayer is a big turn off. Hopefully I'm wrong but typically there is more focus on PvP and less focus on in deep game mechanics, and character development. What I love about a game.

  3. This is so incredibly painful to say after looking forward to this game for years but it looks very…. Meh…..

  4. Has potential but graphics look like Xbox 360…. I think we all got finessed into buying the new gen yet there is nothing to play and the graphics look the exact same as last gen

  5. "eXpLorE dEnS, CeNtErS oF PiRaTe AcTivIty"
    – Actual in game mechanic = walk around and hit a button to talk to an NPC which opens up a crafting menu

    "gEt rEaDy fOr aNy chAlLeNgE bY chEckInG oUt yOuR cArGo"
    – Actual in game mechanic = inventory management screen

  6. I shall role-play a British privateer frigate pirate hunter under his majesty the kings flag! WHO WILL JOIN MY FLEET?!

  7. It’s not really a good sign that the gameplay dive is focused on progression, morale and inventory management and the gameplay itself is an afterthought.

  8. Hmm I can see myself getting bored of the game pretty fast. In Assasin Creed Black Flag the ship fights was repetitive and mediocre to the point that half the time I had to skip out on it.

    If this game becomes free or $10 then I'll indulge in it, but I ain't spending $70.

  9. No hand-to-hand boarding combat??… that should've been half of the game… what a let-down. ill pass on this game, i know my worth as a consumer.

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