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About the Author: Mrwhosetheboss


  1. for the pistol lighter
    while this will take away from the look by painting the tip of the barrel orange you will instantly make the pistol lighter a lot safer for cops to look at as the orange paint is on all gun looking toys so cops can at a glance identify the item in your hand as a toy gun and not a real gun

  2. I know in some places you can't have LA D lights on your car at all and in some places says as long as you don't have bread and blue flashing together simultaneously

  3. You live in America that’s what you need because you always are needing to protect yourself you can find a lot of sketchy people IQ like guns on me and I live in America and do we get in trouble no if we don’t have a Eamon at someone we don’t get in trouble

  4. I remember when me my brother my little brother and my dad were going to our car after like a store somebody had police lights and was using them then the police showed and and arrested him

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