Is this your next smartphone?

Everyone is saying OnePlus is back with a flagship killer. Let’s find out about the new smartphone and see if it’s worth the money.


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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. Seeing this makes Apple look bad. Apple makes great products but they're too slow to adopt new hardware features; all while insisting on selling iPhones at high prices.

  2. It’s nice to see they finally went back on being the generic expensive smartphone. That shift was what prevented me from considering switching off iPhone in the first place

  3. Rooted 7t… Running android 13. Still running smoothe. No color os for me. Better camera and better soc? I'm a 34 year old guy. I dont take selfies. Take pictures of my kids, but can't tell the difference outside of color and night photos. But I don't understand people that update twice a year.

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