Mortal Kombat 1 – Game Overview | Summer Game Fest 2023

Mortal Kombat 1 - Game Overview | Summer Game Fest 2023

Ed Boon takes us on a bried tour of Mortal Kombat 1 gampelay and how the new team mechanics will work. #IGN #SoG #Gaming.


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  1. By the way, how come a game called street fighter never added bonus features to there fighting stages such as a car on the side of a street-stage? Wooden boxes, streets, dumpsters. Mailbox? Local stores…. Seriously? It’s the next gen so you’d think there would be more interactions going on in the background rite? Possibly a way bigger-longer fighting board that would be a block long….. come on now, it’s a f’king ps5 game for godsakes!

  2. maybe they can bring legends wrestlers to video games like the undertaker and give him some special moves like releasing thunder , teleporting, shoking , throwing his hat full of thunder or fire, running and delivering a foot to the adversary mouth, jumping with a knee or a punch and performing a hell s gate move. also sting of wcw or triple h or any other superstars in wwe .

  3. So when favorite fighter appears as cameo is it not playable and only gives you support for 2 seconds? You can't bring that! Sorry, street fighter and Tekken deserve my money but you definitely don't. First lure with finally appeared favorite character and then the total disappointment! What have you been working on for 4 long years?

  4. Ive grown up playing these games, and it blows my mind thinking about the old mocap days, to being some of the best graphics in the industry.

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