HOW TO COOK FOOD IN VIRTUAL REALITY ??? !!! – Gourmet Chef (Job Simulator HTC VIVE) MessYourself — September 16, 2018 50 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest More Job Simulator Virtual Reality with the HTC VIVE, today we play Gourmet Chef When we reach 10000 likes I will play the last mechanic level! Watch my … source all jobs chef cook cooking Funny HTC Vive HTC Vive gameplay job Job Sim job simulator job simulator gameplay job simulator vr mess mess yourself messyourself reality steamvr Valve HTC Vive valve vr virtual Virtual Reality vive vr VR funny reaction yourself Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
He has just offended solo many French peeps but I still love the videos don't worry
The intro was just weird ?????????????????????????
Welcome To My KICTHWON
Vent Canque is how to say 25… PERKS OF CANADA
I am your best fan
i just saw an advert before this video and the advert was a car bieng made out of butter flies…
Hola h9kemddjdjeksiedmjdjejd
Cant stop watching just for the brilliant intro ?
Ciqn vingt
After 5000 years of retakes of the intro it finally is perfect ??
i cant stop loughing because of the intro
And 4:49
I duno why but 2:14 was halarious
the game starts at 2:17 welcome
Did you just eat the cake
i was gonna subscribe but its no point if hes a tryhard
Also, he said he’s going to propose to his wife XD how do you do this?
2:38 is when he gets to the kitchen.
You make perfect chef welcoming person
Da intro tho XD
Check the stuff you can choose Timmy if you give our the baby dad of applesauce
1:47 is funny
2:12 is so funny
U should of put tomatoes in the cake for timmy
Hello from 2018
What fouk
If bacon and eggs is called bacon and eggs why is there only 1 egg?
thats spanish
So funny
I just keep laughing. ?
What the F****** ????????
You should of made French toast
Roses a red violet is blue all I have to say you are cruel
2:14 Chef Messyourself.exe has stopped working
I love chef messyourself best chef alive
or maybe it was cuck
u forgot about the forgot the coke
This is making me hungry
Luv that intro. And all ur vids
Roses r red
Violets r blue
I fell asleep during the intro
And I know u did too ??
I never knew that Messyourself can speak french.
Good french XD