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About the Author: IGN


  1. Just more pokemon n pokemon world. Idc if there isnt a nain storyline. Do a mockumentary or smthg, i want more "real" pokemon!!!!

    Poor giant mutated torterras… They can enjoy a normal life, only slumbering n wasting life away….

  2. I didnā€™t watch the movie. But whenever thereā€™s a ā€œending explainedā€ I canā€™t help but think of how convoluted and plot holey the shits gona be.

  3. Can we get a rocky-style movie centered on the underground cage fights complete with training montages?

    Also, find a way to link different spinoff games into one continuous movie universe?

  4. I really want to see the original games adapted, but I don't know how they would do that without making multiple movies. The Origins series wasn't even enough episodes to truly capture the whole story. There's always going to be a gym leader that gets overlooked or town that gets skipped. Still, I'd like to see them try.

  5. Right now it's rumored Warner brothers wants to do a pokemon Red spin off. Which I'm down for but also wanna see how that would work in a movie.

  6. Theory: Tim does not recognize Pikachu's voice as his father because he thought its just a trickery of his mind since he wants to see his father for a long time…

  7. Its a straight back and for, no telepathy or enotional communication, Pikachu explains how PokƩmon understand humans and points at that for some reasons they can just talk to one anothers, as for Tim not knowing his father's voice, he hasn't spoken to him since he was very young. I can imagine that he would not recongize it

  8. You shouId not need that expIained to you, unIess you went and took a crap during the Iast haIf hour… The sequeI wiII be ANY other story existing in the pokemon universe… This was the best movie I have ever seen, and I can't wait for the PCU to get fuIIy bIown

  9. The ending needs no explanation. The video is however a nice quick discussion. 0/10 misleading title. Movie is 10/10 my inner child is so happy after seeing the movie ā˜ŗļø

  10. I was hoping there was a mid credits scene where Samuel L. Jackson comes in to talk to Pikachu about the Super Smash Bros. Initiative

  11. Spoiler comment: I'm just glad the movie had better closure than the 3DS game. The game felt like it ended abruptly and appears to have a sequel planned for more adventures for Tim & Detective Pikachu.

  12. Spoiler, but I was just wondering, if pikachu was singing ā€œgotta catchā€™m allā€ in the movie, then what was he singing in the Japanese dub of the movie? Was he singing ā€œMezase PokĆ©mon masterā€ or a Japanese version of ā€œgotta catch allā€?

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