Experience Week 3 Gameday in Virtual Reality | 2020 Seahawks vs Cowboys

Experience Week 3 Gameday in Virtual Reality | 2020 Seahawks vs Cowboys

Experience gameday like never before in virtual reality via 360 video. Feel what it’s like to be up close and personal to the players and coaches as they warm up …


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About the Author: Seattle Seahawks


  1. This is so cool. It feels different when it’s a 360 video. It feels less like your watching and more like your experiencing it. Almost like your a part of the team.

  2. After watching this and seeing number 31 and heard during the off-season how good DJ Dallas was man I sure hope he gets to play against Miami go Hawks!

  3. Is there something to this that I am missing? Do I need a vr headset? Im watching from my laptop and the video just has a warped perspective. Everyone else in the comments seem to be experiencing this video differently from me

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