THE GRID VR | Virtual Reality News – Kingdom Hearts, Ace Combat, Wrench, Metal Slug, Everybodys Golf

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About the Author: F4CEpa1m x_0


  1. I can't wait until Australia/NZ gets a full on Void experience, so keen to mix physical objects + space with VR. I'd kill for a full on Transformers (OG cartoon) Void VR experience, what would you like to see the most?

  2. It frustrates me that so many VR games are exclusive to a certain setup. I have an Oculus rift cv1 and keep seeing psvr games I want to enjoy, but I just can't invest in the console and all the VR gear from Sony just to enjoy a few of their exclusives. With so little to choose from in VR as a whole, missing out on even one title that doesn't feel like a short tech demo sucks, as there still isn't much for original AAA style full length games available. Fallout 4 and Skyrim just don't cut it, I have played ttheheck out of those games in 2d. I wish there was more of a crossover for games instead of carrots on sticks to get me to buy a ton of different sets of hardware.

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