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About the Author: Fresh Tech


  1. Foot spikes are meant to aid in climbing, and work best if attached After modification. And their best used where the spikes can grip, like cinder blocks or bricks.6:09

  2. Hilarious. Little kitty keychain thing is illegal but I can have a perfectly fine 4 inch murder kill slit your neck cut your balls off knife in my pocket. Kay.

  3. This is why I was taught how to use a normal walking cane as a weapon. No one can take it away from you, and you can even carry it onto a plane. If people ask why you need the cane (they may notice you not using to help walk), you can just say it's a disability that doesn't always display itself (for example, I sometimes have trouble walking after a pseudo seizure or temporary paralysis, but it's not super common. It's just nice to have walking aid just in case)

  4. if you know how to use them a credit card is a weapon ,a simple pen, a mens tye ,a leather belt ,the list goes on even a rolled up magazine and a hair band ,so how they can say this and that is banned ,

  5. I don't know when it was decided that the Second Amendment applies only to firearms. Laws banning these weapons are unconstitutional.

  6. America is always funny. Cant carry kitty key chain. But you can carry a gun and blast a dude full of holes no problemo.

  7. What i find funny you can inflict just as much damage with anything but yet people don't think you can turn anything into a weapon keys, pens, pencils,etc

  8. Trojan, this'll go tru a car door
    Jimmy vickers, why the FCK would i wanna stab a car door

  9. I know an elderly lady who was given a cane, did not know there was a sword inside of it and the person who gave it to her didnโ€™t know either. She was older and spent several days in jail after walking into a courtroom with it. Security discovered it upon entry.

  10. 1:03 I saw a guy who made a version what acted like the one in the game. You could make it spring back and forth without using your other hand

  11. These laws are proof enough that the cops will not come to protect you when your life is in danger. They will cite absurd laws that have no reason or logic. But people must do everything they can to protect themselves and their loved ones – legal or not.

  12. the true purpose of these laws isn't concealed weaponry, it's to prevent mall ninjas from seriously injuring themselves and causing their "victim" from dying of uproarious uncontrolled laughter.

  13. Wait. How is a cane with a hidden blade banned? What about the second amendment? Now I understand that the "special" among us believe that it doesn't apply to "full semi automatic assault rifles" because they didn't exist when the constitution was written…. but swords have been around since before the year of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  14. Apparently lot of this is to protect COPs not CIVILIANS. Because cops have to see your weapons, the concealed part is what they don't like about you having. They will allow you to parade around in a tank before carrying a self-defense concealed weapon.

  15. Other people's arms are a dangerous weapon to them if you are strong enough,
    you can snap their forearm in half, then lunge the pointy end into their chest.
    You just have to be really, really, really, really strong to do such a thing.
    Like I said how dare other people have arms, soon the Government will come and medically chop off everyone's arms.

    Tropic Thunder, "never go full retard." Yah, well, full retard is like just status quo now, no one ever stops doubling down.
    So when you try to be absurd, some people take you serious, and you can't tell when the serious clown show is just doubling down again.

  16. the tactical gauntlet has nothing on the arm blades I designed for myself, mine come out over the back of the hand, and reinforced by a grip system for the hands to make the entire composition one solid unit when attacking or defending, an arm blade without a firm reinforcement by the hands will never be as effective.

    That reminds me, what if we found a way to weaponize Saddleback Caterpillar venom? Truly it would find its place on the list of things banned by the Geneva Convention very fast, I thought tear gas or pepper spray hurt, oh no, Saddleback hair venom is beyond worse.

  17. In the U.S., any such ban of weapons by government is technically illegal. Any government enforcing such a ban in the U.S. is a criminal and illegitimate one. Any U.S. officials who enforce such laws are, in fact, terrorist operatives, since they qualify as non-state actors using violence intended to intimidate a citizenry. One could also claim that any government that removes a person's right to self-defense in this way is engaging in a crime against humanity, and thus, such a "government" would be illegitimate, criminal, and terroristic.

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