How Much Earnings Players Make In Fortnite Tournaments (Exposing)

How Much Earnings Players Make In Fortnite Tournaments (Exposing) Choose me as support a creator – USE CODE “Drolby” …


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About the Author: Drolby


  1. 4:05 That kid is pretty well known in the Spanish community and he recently joined one of the best teams in the Country: QLASH (:

  2. Guys please I need the Boyz my mum told me if I get to 1000 by the year Iโ€™m getting a new setup โ€œ my dreamโ€ so please guys I need your help๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ™, I have a phone and my dream Is to become a big YouTuber plz help ๐Ÿ˜•

  3. idk why but when I search up my name when I click on events even tho I played 19 events they don't show up btw I'm using fn tracker

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