Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus Review

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus reviewed by Dan Stapleton on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. The First 15 Minutes of Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6He…


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About the Author: IGN


  1. I got stuck and lost all hope of finishing the game a month or 2 ago… I believe it's on top of the ship when you get 2 or 3 new big mech-like enemies, you take 1 or 2 direct hits and you're dead, and there's little to no cover in the "arena". I love the game, but after trying and dying at that part maybe 50 times, I've lost all hope.

  2. Why couldn’t Nintendo skip Skyrim, Doom And payday 2 And make this on switch instead of later oct 27 I believe they make all these dumb old ports when they could be pushing exclusives forward making the switch a system to think about not that those are bad games but still CupHead would be great addition too

  3. I just baught the new order never played a wolfenstien game thought i might try the New order first if i beat that one i might get this one also

  4. Hey to any mates and fellow steam users, I would like to know if Wolfenstein 2 is worth it since there are so many polarizing opinions on it. I would like to know if it is a good follow up to Wolfenstein: The New Order and worth the money.


  5. I ran into lots of audio glitches throughout the game, and the game crashed a few times but that was probably my system. i would give it like 8.5/10

  6. I've just completed it. It's good but it's more of the same. The environments are fairly dull for the most part but it's a decent plot and fun gameplay. I just wish it had more visual flair because it does get boring visiting extremely generic grey environments. It hasn't really improved on the previous game in any meaningful way.


  7. Honestly thought the story was crap. Didn't affect me at all. It deviated from the internationalist spirit of the first game and everyone in the story suddenly became an American super-patriot.

    Gameplay was fun as is usual for the series and the weapon customisation was a welcome addition.

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