Is mining bitcoin still worth it? Should you start Bitcoin Mining? CryptoCurrency Mining, is it worth it?
Start Mining Bitcoin: https://hashflare.io/r/774D78A6
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I am not a professional financial adviser. All investments you make are of your own. Do your own research.
Not my thing but interesting video none the less.
30k bitcoin prediction by end of year earned you a sub.
Great info. I currently mine monero – love the decentralized aspect, currently using 6 rx56's with the 64 modded bios in an asrock btc mobo. After your video you have truly intrigued me, main draw factor is that you can withdraw whenever you want! Thanks for the info, I may hopping on board tonight.
LTC: LNYseLuo3Lwub7DHiYkcwBXm4tkiEWAiY3
im still not keen about mining lol i would rather invest directly in btc or other coins instead of paying for mining 😀
Cloud mining sounds pretty awesome. Thanks for the info.
I don't do mining, but, as far as the balance is positive, it is definitely worth it!
Not sure I am ready t start the mining . But still interesting to see.
Ltc MMgBHmWzy5U3LtLwCvRpCjijgY9gdLfyuq
Good stuff about the mining possibilities.
A lot of speculation on btc price and how come you don't know the term "maintenance fee"?
great video, very informative. Im looking forward to invest for the first time this week.
Carry on with the great work.
I'm mining Garlic Coin LOL! GRLC on the MOON!! MK53pmQQq7RzDR5NZPKH83hTzv2PBETjBa
Im mining on hashflare for 1000 TH atm, bought the contract with btc when it was 19k, almost break even in btc amount and contract only ends in december
do a mining computer giveaway
LTC: Le7n7e6BLCQ6HkyMnnvAPgD8RxtPogm2qZ
Great video, watch every week on subscribe! I am currently interested in mining Monero and Ethereum. I believ cryptomining is worth as I am a strong believer in the future of cryptocurrency, and mining has a lot of benefit. Great video! I subscribed and look forward to more and the future of crypto! Should be exciting!
LTC address: LYJQacKSUNnPAP5LyS71Q96cY3PtSMYQ6s
Bitcoin- God of cryptocurrencies will bounce back. Lightening network update should decrease prices and time of transactions on BTC network. If they deliver it is going to be fantastic and returns in next year or two would be significant. So mining bitcoin is perhaps one of the best investments one can do.
Amazing video and thank you for the giveaway
LTC: Lf8KP93FxYoNXpM7vjftDtiKQew9SoP4T9
I bought a little hashing power but waiting until I have more BTC from the moon shot! Love the show! LTC: MRADEnuzT2ws56nikvaeSW3tXD8q4BGT4h
Mining sounds interesting but a little scary too. FYI your home mike sounds the best of your studio ones. Stay safe in the storms
Mining is turning into a hobby
Gpu mining zencash making around 2 dollars per day.
My set up is 2 gtx 1060,1 gtx 970 and 1 960
But here’s my LTC wallet
: LR6FUv24G7heAL81F7B1ToNdWbBvcNYChV
This is my hashflare tracker. At the current trend, all contracts will be CANCELED in a month or two due to the flat USD maintenance fee per GH/S consuming your full daily payment. If you want ANY respect from me on this you're going to need to be HONEST and look at the reality that you're not actually making the money you say you are.
Don’t forget about the maintenance fees! Man those take a huge chunk out everyday!
LTC: Lhe7FMQipwXQ3T7JxMYP5tfq8p33Tqh2jT
do you change pool settings?
great channel! digibyte is the future! MPtsr759iz82BcRtoaapQzsMqB7V7x2g5K
Always a nice perspective.
ltc adress
mine at 1.75th now
It's still better to have bought the Bitcoin, when you started the contract 🙂 Either that or mine on your own hardware and steal the electricity 🙂 I still mine Monero, xmr to be clear cos that could be ambiguous right now 🙂
LTC: LcEotJ6L5j7KETL6oAqic8mwDtjaw8UmCR
im mining ETN with one GPU and one phone, its going slow but im getting rich xD
I don't use Hashflare. they are not trustworthy
good information
hash flare doesn't have a very good reputation …
Love your videos!
Wish I never put money into Hashflare! Ltc: LUHFNBUWmVDLxDdwiAGHXXoe5uGozsEoVN
All my trading strategy is based on your videos. Thanks a ton for helping the crypto community to plan their trade.
LTC : LQNuhe5fnbVgMtQBjUKGdsF43EVoYL4iX2
I just decided to start getting into cryptocurrency about 5 days ago because my buddy convinced me to get on board with the market being so low, and now I can't stop watching your videos. Would love a nice jump start. I started with $100 in BTC, so anymore to work with would be greatly appreciated.
LTC: MW6m1JQwhvcffY38rti4WG2sY55uZL4HoN
Only experience I have with mining so far is electroneum, but they recently made that a little bit more profitable on their mobile miner.