Arizona Sunshine is a zombie survival shooter game where you explore a post-apocalyptic world in VR. You need to find weapons, food and a safehaven to escape the undead. The game supports…
There are not enough vr games on the market to warrant buying a head set
This is why Iโd only play a vr game in a sitting down sim like driving or in a space ship, the fact you canโt walk properly ruins the experience , I wonโt buy this unless they fix this
you are so cool huh
#-) I like VR
Hope everyone who has this game enjoys it my mom's not gonna get it for me ):`
how much do your controls cost? where can i find them?
Just get walking in it
Is that Owen Wilson!
Sรจca se jeux
u suck at p laying V R games please don't do it anymore
your videos are great
It's a nice video
i hate the teleporting movement in vr games. especially when the rift has a perfectly functioning joystick
Where you play these all games Special cinema Or we can buy at home
Is it just me or did they never add locomotion into VR because they don't want you to get hit by the wall as you're running//walking far distances for example?!?
Where do u get suck VR games
i like this
Your just like me I hate the teleportion stuff to
Why do they make the character move around so awkwardly , why not make it so u can move around with an analog stick
Good news. Arizona is finally getting locomotion options!
Cool. ??
DONT TURN TOO FAST! I had motion sickness watching this!
I played that level it's so cool
that was so awesome!!!!!!!!!!
I love Dutchman
And has really good humor
And has really good humor
I like my guys tall,cute, smart, sensitive plays vr and have an accent and committed to a relationship btw I'm a girl
Nathie ar yo drung bro
i was a little annoyed how he didnt go back to the office to grab all that ammo after that huge fight…
11:11 "He hit me hard!"
thats wut zhe said
i like how the gun makes a slightly different sound when youre about to run out of ammo
At the point you got up the ladder it was like you were throwing s ender pearl from Minecraft
Why didn't you go back in the office and get the amo
Buen vรญdeo ???. ?????
Just run!!!!!
Zombies head falls off
You: welp time to put you out of your misery shoots zombies head
#Nathie cool vr
Your hand was scare shacking
you forget the new weapรดn
There are not enough vr games on the market to warrant buying a head set
This is why Iโd only play a vr game in a sitting down sim like driving or in a space ship, the fact you canโt walk properly ruins the experience , I wonโt buy this unless they fix this
you are so cool huh
#-) I like VR
Hope everyone who has this game enjoys it my mom's not gonna get it for me ):`
how much do your controls cost? where can i find them?
Just get walking in it
Is that Owen Wilson!
Sรจca se jeux
u suck at p laying V R games please don't do it anymore
your videos are great
It's a nice video
i hate the teleporting movement in vr games. especially when the rift has a perfectly functioning joystick
Where you play these all games
Special cinema
Or we can buy at home
Is it just me or did they never add locomotion into VR because they don't want you to get hit by the wall as you're running//walking far distances for example?!?
Where do u get suck VR games
i like this
Your just like me I hate the teleportion stuff to
Why do they make the character move around so awkwardly , why not make it so u can move around with an analog stick