The Crane Couple is playing carnival games in VIRTUAL REALITY! Carnival Games VR is a video game for the HTC Vive where you can play your favorite carnival games in the safety of your home!…
Hey everyone! We're happy to bring you an awesome carnival games in virtual reality video 😀 It's a long one, but there's a lot of great stuff in this one, so stick around until the end to see all the great games! Let us know what you think and have a great day 🙂
did you guys have a lot fun playing that VR carnival games ?
Super cool
This was a South awesome to watch.
Omg you replied
I love this video it's already made my mind up to getting it on psvr
More vrrrrr
It does look like VR is where this franchise needed to go, all right.
Now…VR Carnival mini Golf!
i love the bat cat shirt!
Omg this is so cool I love this
Next time you play the stacking game, buy Britanni some Funnel Cakes and put them in front of her when she pretends to eat the virtual reality one lol She'll be SOO confused! 😛
Looked for the game on my smart phone but did not find it. 🙁 I have the poor mans version of VR which is using my smart phone for VR stuff and I have a $40 holder to hold my phone in. Was cool to get a glimps of what VR is but the Oculus Rift and more expensive headsets will be less barf inducing. xD
i wonder how much is to buy the virtural reality
This video was AWESOME can you do more VR videos
Wow this is really cool, I never heard of the HTC Vive!
Your both very cute together. Hope you both have many years together
The hands reminds me of the hand from super smash bros
Really kool I want too see a part 2
I yous to this kind of game on the wii but the game stoped working it was called what u said but quick different I miss it T^T
That was pretty awesome
I always played carnival games on XBOX 360 Kinect. Still love it!
This game was not very authentic, none of the games were rigged.
yoooooooo that fat batman shirt is the beez neez bro lol
OMG I love your shirt Julius
omg 20:32. made me just want to hug you and give you cats to cuddle. you poor thing ;;
That climbing wall was intense! I was yelling "oh no!" when the hand held broke like you were actually going to fall XD VR is pretty cool, I can't wait to see what all they can do with it in the future!
I love you crane couple
Do a collaboration with plush time wins ! 😀
I remember when y'all did this a while ago!
hey! I made a couple of arcade videos on my YouTube and was wondering if you guys could check them out at all? We're big fans of you!
awesome intro 😀
good stuff!
Julius looks so much way better with his hair like that, and not with a man bun hairstyle. Play more of it for us?
Hey everyone! We're happy to bring you an awesome carnival games in virtual reality video 😀 It's a long one, but there's a lot of great stuff in this one, so stick around until the end to see all the great games! Let us know what you think and have a great day 🙂
did you guys have a lot fun playing that VR carnival games ?
Super cool
This was a
South awesome to watch.
Omg you replied
I love this video it's already made my mind up to getting it on psvr
More vrrrrr
It does look like VR is where this franchise needed to go, all right.
Now…VR Carnival mini Golf!
i love the bat cat shirt!
Omg this is so cool I love this
Next time you play the stacking game, buy Britanni some Funnel Cakes and put them in front of her when she pretends to eat the virtual reality one lol She'll be SOO confused! 😛
Looked for the game on my smart phone but did not find it. 🙁
I have the poor mans version of VR which is using my smart phone for VR stuff and I have a $40 holder to hold my phone in.
Was cool to get a glimps of what VR is but the Oculus Rift and more expensive headsets will be less barf inducing. xD
i wonder how much is to buy the virtural reality
This video was AWESOME can you do more VR videos
Wow this is really cool, I never heard of the HTC Vive!
Your both very cute together. Hope you both have many years together
The hands reminds me of the hand from super smash bros
Really kool I want too see a part 2
I yous to this kind of game on the wii but the game stoped working it was called what u said but quick different I miss it T^T
That was pretty awesome
I always played carnival games on XBOX 360 Kinect. Still love it!
This game was not very authentic, none of the games were rigged.
yoooooooo that fat batman shirt is the beez neez bro lol
OMG I love your shirt Julius
omg 20:32. made me just want to hug you and give you cats to cuddle. you poor thing ;;
That climbing wall was intense! I was yelling "oh no!" when the hand held broke like you were actually going to fall XD VR is pretty cool, I can't wait to see what all they can do with it in the future!
I love you crane couple
Do a collaboration with plush time wins ! 😀
I remember when y'all did this a while ago!
hey! I made a couple of arcade videos on my YouTube and was wondering if you guys could check them out at all? We're big fans of you!
awesome intro 😀
good stuff!
Julius looks so much way better with his hair like that, and not with a man bun hairstyle. Play more of it for us?