Crypto, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tron (TRX), Cardano (ADA), EOS (EOS) & More Altcoins Trading Future Price Prediction & Coin News 2018!
Is EOS just a bubble?
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Disclaimer: The content covered in this video is NOT investment advice. I’m NOT a financial adviser. These are only my own personal opinions, ideas, tutorials, charts, technical analysis, insights and price prediction. Always do your own research and only invest solely based on your own findings and personal judgement. Deciding to Invest in and Buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tron (TRX), Cardano (ADA), EOS (EOS), And all other Crypto/Bitcoins/Altcoins or ICO/ICOs is extremely high risk!
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orhttps://t.me/CryptoKirby)привет у тебя крутой канал
Also look at steems and BTS’s transactions…they are number 1 and 3…and they use a very small percentage of their network…eth is always maxed out…EOS will destroy the competition
Why don't you regard all the other coins with no working product that have exploded in the last weeks as bubble speculation to?
Nothing even compares to EOS..it will have no rival when EOS is released…will it pull back? Yes probably…but to call it a bubble is ignorant…all of these are speculation…if there’s one guy I trust in crypto..it’s dan larimer
You playing the new Kirby yet?
All the bubble comparison you make happened to every single coin at the same time last year. I disagree with your analysis. There is always pull backs as part if health growth!
I only follow to hear that Mickey Mouse voice lolol
Lmao maybe if there ico gets another billion thrown at people might take it more seriously. 6 months max be Dan jumps ship for his next billion dollar money grab
2:00 all too real… 😛
Stop loss activated since 3 days :))))))))) just have to move it up constantly 😉 Kirby, two thumbs up, I agree with you… In it for the money.
Yep. Cheers for the video bud. I was thinking the same. I sold out of EOS earlier today. Had a look at the chart and just made the call. Might lose a bit of profit but I’m happy to cash out with a serious profit. I’ll be looking to enter again on the inevitable dip!!! Safety first guys.
Dumping my dragon chain to buy EOS and ONT was the best decision I made.
Just seems as if it's over hyped. There's no real platform coming out. Just code and a bunch of work for devs.
Sold mine before I watched this haaa.
I'll wait for $8, and no, not disappointed I missed at $8 as it was already bubbly by then.
u opened my eyes lol i went out this one
I guess that Ethereum's 2017 bull run was just my imagination, come on people….
EOS is a long term project. I would wait for a huge retracement.
Yea Kirby eos gonna pop oon…then I'll be baggin up some. Your Killin it kirb ?
Makes me think of the movie Nemo , My Bubble !!!
I completely agree
Hey it's Crypto DABOO7
Guys DO NOT buy on FOMO entry level was $5-7
EOS will go very high by the end of 2018
so….EOS shill
Do you think we hit the bottom with bitcoin, I Like EOS but it’s going to pop
I thought EOS was a scam awhile back. Now im not sure $18 and no useable product that I know of. And its supposed to overtake ETH.
EOS is highly pumped. I think EOS will have a huge dump.However, I am a big fan of EOS but it will have a bad dump.
Lol, "this is my time."
It might just dump right before going Mainnet
Time to cash in.
hi Kirby