Climbing The Wall – Bitcoin trying to get over $10k
Looking at the coin market cap, it is a great reminder that crypto is in a great space right now. Will it be enough for bitcoin break $10,000 this week?
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? Binance Exchange: https://goo.gl/xvvjrt
? KuCoin Exchange: https://goo.gl/aC6Z7d
? Buy Bitcoin Through Coinbase: https://goo.gl/KNeSvo
? Recommended Wallet – Ledger Nano S: https://goo.gl/ejMrcu
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Matrix: https://bit.ly/2HOpyPp
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Ontology: https://bit.ly/2jthrJC
Waves: https://bit.ly/2KBUfVY
Cardano: https://bit.ly/2HM8LMO
? I am not a financial adviser and this is not financial advice. I’m just a humble man with a great passion for all things block-chain, even tangle and block-lattice.
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dear CryptoDaily,
Look into Mimblewimble/GRIN
Andrew Poelstra has given some good talks and Greg Maxwell has shown a keen interest too. It looks like an amazing project and I think there's no going wrong mining (or buying, if you can) on day 1
Speculators not really what they're after so much as just geeking out to make a useful tool, but I can't help but speculate anyway 😉
Baby i love your news. Hade Bro
Can you have a look at BTCZ?
I instantly lowered the volume in he beginning because I thought it was a moaning noise.. lol
Poor little bow wow … daddy wouldn’t buy me a bow wow ??☘️? only kidding .. love the little white dog… great info thanks for updating us. Love Crypto Granny U.K…☘️☘️ keep well and keep smiling ?
Hey Crypto Daily, cheer up bud. Your tits ain't so bad.
pro cam.
surely when btc passes 10k you have a clip of the dragon at the end of GOT breaking down the wall
Norbett rocks! ?
Quite educative,pretty good for my students.
That intro came from one idea I have sent you 😉 the same breed puppy jumping on the water
The value of bitcoin hit a high of 19k in 2017 and then the speculators sold out so now as of May 2018 it has plunged to 9K. If you look at a Bitcoin history graph and put a ruler on the LOWS you will see that 7K is the predictable Low for Bitcoin where as the 19K/Bitcoin was an artificially high price driven by speculators. Now is the time to Buy Bitcoin to get a Fair Market Price. Sure it may dip lower in the near future which is why I would spread my purchases over the next Few Months, then just sit back and watch Bitcoins value climb over the months. Thanks to everybody who posted about Evan Gilmore, you are all part of my Success Story. Let’s keep spreading Words about Him to help the Ignorant people who are loosing, If you have less than 3 Bitcoins or more, why not trade it and make more profits. It’s no News that Evan Gilmore has been helping so many of us out here with New working strategies to trade our Bitcoin, I went from having 4Btc to 12Btc. Imagine selling off each of them at 30k in a few months, You can Reach his email at Evan.troygilmore101@gmail.com seek his gudiance
@Crypto Daily! Love it! Litterally at the end when you were just kept giving more and more boring news the words came up.. This is too boring to listen too…
Haha great
I hear a lack of caffeine in your voice.. 🙂
Bro, just reading Twitter is way to boring 🙁 glad you realize it.
Please share more interesting information. Like, potential coins, tokens. Technical information on blockchain etc.
Great video, thanks for sharing. I've smashed the like button for you!
If you are looking to get hold of some crypto without investing or mining, look into https://www.crowdholding.com. They are a co-creation platform were you get rewarded for giving feedback to crypto startups on the platform. You can earn Crowdholding's token as well as DeepOnion, ITT, Smartcash and many other ERC-20 tokens.
I'm 100% sure you said… "look at the oneth month chart" and I lost my shit…
Small things…
Could someone please explain what a paperwallet is?
Crypto. Do you also think Zebi is going to be de Indian ethereum? Any Toughts?
lol no moon more like mars now
You're my favorite cointuber cause I love the dry wit and frolicsome nature of your presentation.
Hahaha the dog tho!!!!?
are you kidding? its a fucking bull trap. National debt pumping crypto. and I still get a fucking 1min wix com even if I sign in. Fuck this. Im watching steemit, bitchute, dtube and YT on brave while signed out. South African wine is really good. enjoy it while it lasts. Tea Leaf Chenin Blanc is my fav.
Whered you get that hoodie at my man
buy Hacken or die cryin
The crash to 3 k BTC coming
we are coming in waves
Elastos should be getting some new exchanges soon don't let this gem pass you buy!!
Hej Daily, your work is a highlight of my working day. Funny, fact based (when possible) and just great. Keep it up. -your Swedish supporter in Australia. -Joakim Holmer
Neblio is a better platform token then all the rest
I dont get the point of side view b&w camera.. it doesn't add any value nor entertainment. Beside you look really weird in there. A cut away to a different time, place and clothes would at least make some sense..
If you don't watch Crypto Daily you're really not that into crypto.
That intro was cool! Anyway, $ngc Naga will be big, I'm going to stock up and make a 10X before this year's end.
Yr fakkin funny. Again
Nice! ONT + NGC Partnership
So bitcoin is a dog now? 🙂
Another great video. Damn glad to have you back.
Hey crypto-occasionally is back!??. Just messing with you. Love the content keep up the good work.
Content improves as BTC/USD climbs.. coincidence much? Good job Crypto Sumdaily! ?
Hahahaha too boring to listen to.. classic my friend
You are a artist and a gentleman
Dude that was a freaking awkward intro to have, just had that blast out on my bigboi speakers. Cheers, nice1bruv, good one lol.
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