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I am a cryptocurrency investor. I am an advocate of the revolution of disruption we are experiencing as history unfolds before us and the technological advancement it brings.
Having been self-employed the majority of my life, I have worn the hats of many and have learned a great many lessons in the process. Spending my life searching for my reason for being here, finding my passion and drive, after all that I have accomplished, cryptocurrency has answered many questions.
I have established an impeccable track record for producing high returns on my crypto investments and took to Youtube to share my processes, thoughts and methods to help others achieve what I have thus far.
I also have a platform in development called http://MoonRunner.io to help ICO and crypto investors manage multiple portfolios for themselves, friends, family and other investors.
Thank you for joining me in my mission to establish true financial independence outside of the 9-5 grind that we have all been trained to accept since birth. It’s a new age, remember to Crow Your Coins and do your homework. We are just getting started.
The Crypto Crow
Charles Hoskinson said he believes this could be the first 1 trillion crypto.. that would put ADA at $38
Thanks Crow! Excited about Cardano's future!
You can wrap my dj van with 70% my logo and 30% yours 🙂
Trump is putting tariffs because of the unfair trade balances hundres of billions in Chinas favor!
Hi, how is you PhantomX doing… 🙂
Great perspective
let me know what to do for the bmw
and dont let the assholes that think you'll review anything get to you. real simple, Fukem! lol love ya miss ya mean it!
hey Jason! been a while buddy just got out of surgery today and doing ok so far (still numb!) lol blew out my bicep long muscle tendon and tore my rotator cuff but got home today and finally able to get back online. gonna be off work for a bit so looking soooo forward to catching you live for the next couple weeks. see you soon pal crowing my coins buddy!
ADA great
Fantastic video :))
Bitcoin. Cardano. Stellar. That is all I need.
Yeah Crow you are kinda crazy. There is no chance for Cardano to reach $24 dollar this year. That is x300 in 4 months. I really like Cardano, but its highly unlikely they reach above $5 this year. $3-5 would be amazing and I would be very happy with that. I love like your content and energy. 😀
Cardano to $24 before end of 2021, yeah that I strongly believe in. 🙂 But hey, lets brake that $1 again first. 🙂
love the vids dude. I see crypto market $10++ trillion, but no company even outside of crypto has ever hit a trillion market cap. Honestly i dont know alot about Cardano, i just dont see it. It seems similar to EOS / NANO / TRONish, pretty confident in saying total supply will hold it back bud. $4-5 ATH until the next big thing comes along, which to be fair is happening all the time. Just a nobody opinion. Respect anyways, dig the content.
I got in crypto in late December. At the time BTC was peaking so I was looking for an alternative. So I bought some ETH. Then about 2 weeks later I came across cardano via meetup video Charles did. After listening to him speaking and viewing/listening through my software engineering eyes and ears (15 years experience in development) immediately I said this guy is building a behemoth! I wasted no Time. Of course I bought in first at .75 and have accumulated a ton since on the dips. People are SLEEPING on cardano. Cardano is absolutely better than BTC, in every imaginable way. And I'm speaking utility here, not speculation. ADA is even better than Ripple XRP. Yeah, I'll get an earful for saying that, but truth is truth. Cardano has way more utility than XRP.
Charles mentioned trillion dollar market cap in an interview 6 months ago. You did not plant that seed.
Crow CCN youtuber gave away a car couple weeks ago also he gave the option to chose between the car or bitcoin….
CARDANO ADA All the way!!!
Cardano is a great project but i am split between Cardano and Stellar. Both sound great
you are bloody dead right mate :). who cares about market cap.once that cardano solves the problems the other coins encounter and the i can just sit back and watch my gains 🙂
Just have a look what ETFs have done to silver and gold ?.
ETFs will stuff the Crypto system.
Get a roll cage then pimp the BMW out with Crow and Crypto stickers etc, and enter The Demolition Derby.
What about supply?…doesn't supply affect price?….TIA..Btw I also really like DeepOnion
Yudi Token I'm interested in this project
The neural network usually smart enough to perform well
easy and efficient investment opportunity