Top 10 VR – VIRTUAL REALITY Games Of 2016 | UPCOMING!!!

Hey boyz, we got our new top 10 VIRTUAL REALITY Games! The next ERA of Gaming! We got some super cool VR games released and coming up as well.


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About the Author: GameVault


  1. i hello guys i have just 14 years and im going to starinh posting video like that.please cab you support me by subscribinh on my youtube channel ? tnxs so much poeple .

  2. VR is a joke? more like lazy peoples TV set connected to your head. My cousin had one and its pointless. He even returned the damn thing. VR has a ways a way to go still but they have the right idea.

  3. And Our commentator Sly, is Dutch, so some of you might have a tough time catching up with him, so turn on that badass SUBTITLES BABY!

    99.5K!! You guys are the BEST! ЁЯЩВ

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