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Cryptocurrency News Today Live: US SEC Postpones Decision Regarding Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund. Ukraine Electoral Commission Uses NEM Blockchain for Voting Trial. Iranian Crypto Ransomware Threat Will Rise in Today’s Geopolitical Climate, Report Predicts. Tezos ICO Class Action Looms After Motion to Dismiss Denied. Coinbase Enables Instant Trading, Increases Daily Purchase Limit for Verified U.S. Customers to $25,000. Coinbase Pro is now accepting Ethereum Classic. Ledger Now Supports PoA, Icon, VeChain, WanChain, Ontology, Kowala, Particl and RSK. Game.com Airdrop. Airswap AMA. Mysterium Alpha Testing.
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To appease money-hungry lawyers and irresponsible people, it should be known that I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR and THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. I am merely educating and entertaining. What you do with your own money is your own responsibility. Seek the counsel of an intelligent financial advisor (good luck finding one) before investing yours or anyone else’s money.
The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial, legal, or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. In limited circumstances the speaker has been compensated by a third party. Purchasing cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome. Past performance does not indicate future results. This is not an offer to sell securities. Never invest more than you can afford to lose. You should consult with your professional advisors before purchasing any cryptocurrencies.
Great but I think this is the right time to trade. You don't have to be bothered about bitcoin price,after I make $8,000 from just $1,000 weekly using Mr Sanchez trading strategy.
Great video but I think it is the right time to trade. After I make $8,000 from just $1,000 weekly using Mr Sanchez trading strategy.
I'm going to buy me some Bitty.
17:06 Crypto Love, what the heck are you saying? '' want trading signals, check out that blablabla??''
damn dude so much content, your crushing it
Ouch except arbitraging!
Hello everyone are you interested in crypto Investment? or are you in need of good trading software or mining Rig to help you earn more profits than before? If yes then i can teach you how to invest, trade/mine and earn some really amazing profits weekly as crypto is changing lives for the BETTER!! It's so simple anyone with a crypto wallet can get started, and turn a small amount of investment or bitcoin, ethereum or litecoin into a much larger amount by leveraging my proven strategy/system.
P.S for those who are interested in trading i can teach you my trading strategy/patterns. Kindly reply to this post if you're interested for free.
I need a shirt to wear in my local pub
Cool vid Bro.. T-Shirt Plz
I live for blood!
I suggested digitally signed votes around 2002 or so. With the electoral commission's public key they can read and sum up the votes. With your private key you can check that your data has not been tampered with.
Banks are up. … (In Australia)
Sell sell sell
stupid crypto
if you dont win buy one
whenl will it stop crashing
crazy prices
woohoo I won
can we get any lower
Let's buy some
Coin like feniks can reach few trillion capitalization because they will work with banks
Tshirt me dude!
Just bought more LTC and ETC
Average Bitcoin correction 76% that should eventually get it down to around 4560.00 or in that ballpark. Maybe lower. And with all of the manipulation probably on the lower end around 3 thousand. Just like others are saying. Not pretty but pretty good for accumulating.
Crypto Love !!!!!
I want a t shirt GO BTC !
I’m praying like crazy for lower prices…and I’m not even religious
Love your video ..love the shirt too
This drop is straight from pure market manipulation play book. Squeeze week hands out, run it up and slam it down. We need to play the same game with them.
Funny that 10 red candles in a row is never happened in crypto before!!!record broke
Almost all alt coins of 2017 on ico prices…sec is one big scam they did not approve the ATF yet all because of room for more market manipulation! The average jo is done with crypto so worldwide acception is further than ever for blockchain!!
Etf? New fund managers playing with pension and retirement funds. No no no. Too dangerous.
I’m going down with the ? too
Can someone sell me a time machine!
Looking forward to Voices! Hope to meet you & Crow!