The Last of Us Episode 2: TV Show vs Game Comparison

The Last of Us Episode 2: TV Show vs Game Comparison

Watch our The Last of Us Episode 2 show vs game comparison video! HBO’s TLOU Episode 2 is here, and like TLOU Premiere …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. Это просто прекрасно! Неужели Netflix не мог так же сделать с ведьмаком?! HBO вы лучшие! Такое прекрасное чувство удовольствия, при просмотре.

  2. Now this is how you do an adaptation successfully. You build upon the narrative being careful not to deviate too far from the source material, whilst keeping it fresh and expanding on the story: in this case the back story as to how the breakout came to be from a scientific standpoint. Moreover Neil’s directing debut was a solid 10/10 he absolutely killed it. The cinematography the sound design it was all so tense just like the games. An honourable mention to Tess‘s portrayal the actress who played her did an outstanding job. Hats off to her 🎩.

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