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About the Author: KTLA 5


  1. Excellent choice 👍🏽. It’s time that we step up with these criminals. People work hard for their property. It’s time to use this technology to help LE. 🙋🏻‍♀️🇺🇸👏🏽

  2. Imagine: You're driving along, 71 on the 65mph freeway, a police drone pulls behind you and snaps a photo. Your cars screen says that you've been caught in violation of the law and the funds needed to pay the ticket have already been withdrawn, but your account was low and you overdrew. Now you get a notification that your social score has lowered, then another one about how your credit card interest rate has just doubled.

  3. Glad to see them using drones to track and capture these thieves. We have a lot of car burglary in Pasadena as well. They need to using these drones there.

  4. The drones wont just be used against the criminals. We are under constant surveillance in what we are told is the freest society on Earth.

  5. Probation violation. Yet again Orange County comes through.

    Keep him locked up.


    Los Angeles county too many trash liberal Democrats. Gascon is a POS. Same for Newscum.

    California better vote these Democrats out of office. Lock the criminals up including Newscum. He murdered all those in nursing homes.

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