Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic

Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic

While Baldur’s Gate 3 is being widely celebrated by fans and developers alike, some are panicking that this could set new …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. One of them wrote that if this becomes the norm, some creators can not continue the work "we love". They meant it as a Threat. For me this is another Win.

    BG3 should raise standards. Not for RPGs in general, for AAA Games.

  2. Seems ign is evolving too, still making the review for bg3 until they fully complete the game even though a lot of reviewers pushed out their initial reviews did not expect that from ign

  3. If game developers and publishers are going to charge us 70-100 bucks for a game, it damn well should be at the quality of Baldurs Gate 3 (which is also less money than that!). Time for the games industry to tighten it up. They have been getting away with buggy, expensive and incomplete games at extortionate prices for years. Especially on console.

  4. As long as people keep buying unfinished micro transaction driven games…most AAA devs will have no real incentive to fix the issue
    From a business standpoint, why stop if it continues to generate revenue from casuals that don’t know any better or care to know. That’s the devs’ target market in my opinion

  5. Content like this is why ign became so successful, if you can remember… ALOT more of this kind of reporting and gamers supporting games like Baldur's Gate 3 will help us take back control of the industry. I'm willing to bet devs enjoy working on passion projects for gamers more than they do cash grabs for corporate executives.

  6. one of the best ways to help with this trend is to come up with a new definition for MTx games. For example: diablo 4 , call of duty would be called AAA MTx, while baldur's gate 3 would just be called AAA.

  7. Really liked this video. Let's all stand up to the white collar money hoarders looking to increase stock prices over art quality, and simply not buy unfinished games or games filled with microtransactions.

  8. This also disproves the whole "don't blame the devs, it's just the greedy CEOs forcing them to do it" narrative. They're all it it together trying to squeeze the most money out of gamers while putting in minimum effort.

  9. the diablo patch was so bad that the same people makeing fun of me for playing path of exile were asking me for tips on the game because it looked more inviting

  10. developers need to learn. gamers are sick and tired of spending hard earned money a broken mess of a game.

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