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About the Author: IGN


  1. ugh 1080p30, guys this looks like a blurry mess. in this fast paced game with so many particle effects, how can you do that. game is beautiful and in this video it looks like

  2. Кому то чемодан занесли нормальный такой, потому что данная игра 💩. EA опять обосралась не сняв штаны🎉

  3. Wish reviewers would not get so obsessed with the "IT'S AN FPS, BUT GET THIS FELLAS, NO GUNS" aspect, since this is not new at all. Are all game reviews done by children these days or something?

  4. Idk when I’ll get this with MK11, Armoured Core VI, Spider man 2, payday 3, AC: Mirage coming out soon but I’ll definitely be getting it

  5. Jack does this , jack does that , jack jackoff , jack jack jack ,

    In a world of magic and then your name is jack and with people who talk like they used extra voiceed lines from battlefield.

  6. 69 on metacritics.


    "we won't support co-op because we are focusing on the best possible solo only game"

    We see companies saying that all the time and still releasing average and bad games.

    On the contrary: co-op could actually make this game more fun

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