I Tried a Disney Secret Project!

The Holotile infinite floor/360 treadmill could be sick for VR. MKBHD Merch: http://shop.MKBHD.com Tech I’m using right now: …


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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. That seems super cool, particularly for the VR applications. I can see it being good in situations where someone doesn't have like, enough space for full room VR stuff. More just a VR corner.

  2. I see it kinda scary, that if this tech makes it out to the public. It could make people just sit at home, without ever standing up and just being moved by that

  3. I know exactly how to rapidly propel this tech forward at hundreds of times its current pace, you make the spinners into squishy material, line the inside of a cylinder with it, sell it to the Hub as a VR pickle tickler, they would drop their whole net worth on improving and selling it.

  4. Am I the only on who thinks this is over-engineered crap? Why not just use marbles or balls with something to reduce the friction. You want omni directional movement, guess what shape does it best? A sphere!

  5. I bet this tile technology will be licensed to manufactures, it has applications for moving goods around the production floor.

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