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About the Author: Marques Brownlee


  1. Have y’all guys ever thought about getting anyone from the Lotus Eaters on? Some more dissident right voices in the 2A community would be nice.

  2. Evertime apple does somthing dumb, they do like 50 small things that are engineering genius. As much as i hate apple, i gotta respect the small things the engineers do that go respectively unnoticed by the average consumer.

  3. 1:31:45 we used to talk for about an hour or two every day. Now it’s a couple messages. It’s my fault I was staying on the back foot, I was being too careful. I view cooking as a genuine expression of love. I’ll share a few recipes publicly as a you can do it I learned xyz with less than a year of cooking. But for her? I spent hours hours hours researching recipes and shopping and cooking. But I never told her how much I liked her. Even when I did I think it was too late and in a too round about manner.

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