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About the Author: BrainCraft


  1. A message for all the brains, in jars, streaming this video: This was a collaboration with Nat (from Nat and Friends) who made a really cool video on how VR is perfect for creativity. It looks at VR artists, filmmakers and Youtubers like ME who are using tech in different ways. You can watch here (and say hi to me in the comments, please):

  2. If you want to learn more about virtual reality, I've written a book called "What is Virtual Reality" with interviews with all the top experts in the field. Check it out if you're interested in this exciting field.

  3. On vr experience games, my brain experiences the smell of smoke and warmth sitting by a virtual campfire, the feeling of vertigo on a high rise building, it's as though I'm there I find this fascinating.

  4. What is the downside to this VR thing. I'm afraid that the majority of folks who at the beginning will be pleasured by it, but in the long run they'll become dependent on this thing. This reminds me of Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger and next thing you know folks will become lobotomized. It's just like what I said in one of my songs that I've written back in 2010. "First we lived as human beings, now we walk like computer machines, stuck in a digital dream. Minds are being warped out by this cyber age, and brains are being fried like a microwave." Anyway I believe God did not design our brains to be manipulated into the virtual realm where many will be lost mentally, for the sake of momentary pleasure. Next thing I'll see a whole society being demonized and not able to tell the difference between the real world and the virtual world. I know the real world appears to be a very ugly place and so we're looking for an escape into the Virtual world, but the virtual is also the devils playground as well. The only real escape is in Jesus Christ and His Word. I see Revelation 13 on Horizon with the Mark of The Beast system. Don't be mislead by pleasure seeking folks. Seek the Kingdom of God because this World Over.

  5. Aside from the subject being interesting as always, I really liked the stop-motion takes of the lab mouse's namesake! Clever!

  6. I just got a Vive recently. I find myself stepping over and walking around objects in VR, even though I know I can walk right through them. I also get a kind of tingling feeling in my legs, like my brain is telling me something isn't right. Also, I find it extremely weird and difficult to step off edges, steps and ledges!
    I really want to wear it to bed sometime, to wake up in a strange place and see how I react to it..

  7. I find the philosophical concepts interesting, because the curious part of me wants to know, but the rest of me kind figures that it doesn't matter. So what if I'm a brain in a jar, or the world is an egg for me to become god while I live through every life (my favourite theory), it doesn't change my thinking or my actions. I still interpret my world exactly the same.

  8. I enjoyed your editing and presentation. Playing sports and playing musical instruments can be like this as well. We form neural pathways that are used to doing certain tasks so that it becomes almost automatic. Language and reading can be this way too, as you pointed out in one of your videos. I'm really into virtual reality in sound. I'll send you some links about. I've been working on that since your one on our pereption of the length of lines.

  9. 4:18 Except your brain isn't fooled: it knows the difference between VR and IRL. The Turing Test for VR would be are you wearing a headset, and the participant didn't know the answer. We're nowhere near that.

  10. Thanks to Islam we have solved lots of many philosophical questions , such as why are we here and what happens after death and cloning and these kind of questions and this is one of them

  11. We might not even be brains, and brains as the "biological hardware of consciousness" are just part of the simulation – how they look, how they work, where they are placed, etc. You can come up with any crazy idea, as long as there is no possible way to test it and confirm or reject it. See also epistemological solipsism.

  12. OMG! I just researched this for a story I wrote one social media post at a time! It's fanfic in the ST:TNG universe, from which I borrowed only the context (not characters) so I could avoid a ton of world-building and just get on with the story.

    Perception is thorny at all levels, from how sensation works, to how it is processed, to its philosophical aspects. A wonderful (and torturous) playground for a character. The aspects I focused on are the interdependencies of how perception affects living or having "a life", and how our "inner world" can both model and replace/supplement the outside world when available perception varies.

  13. Assuming we are living in a virtual world. Then when we put on a virtual reality headset, does it mean we would be experiencing virtual world inside a virtual world? Taking this theory further, can our brains experience virtual world inside a virtual world inside a virtual world inside a virtual world….and so on.

  14. When I use vr for a couple of hours It gets boring and you definitely know you've got a digital screen on your head but the first time expeeianceimg be your amazed and it feels like your really in the environment that it shows. But if vr could track your eyes and move with your eyes as they move that I'm sure you won't know that it's fake

  15. my brain is future proof… I used mobile vr with insane lags, framerate drops and it didn't bother me at all. I understand why people might feel sick.

  16. I'm definitely in a jar because when your own body starts to play up in a digital way, you start to question the analogue life you live in.

  17. Its not just in VR that you learn your surroundings, I can walk for hours without a map in world of Warcraft, and still get to where I want, because I know the locations 😀

  18. People who've never played VR always complain that the resolution is too low for it to feel real. But as this video shows, what we currently have is good enough to fool your brain. Even the lowest of budget horror games are underpants-ruin-ingly terrifying when experienced in VR, despite not having the "realistic" visual polish of a high-budget traditional horror game.

  19. We need to separate our brains from our aging organic human bodies ASAP. Keep the brain alive and connect it to electronic technology. Electronic peripherals. Our bodies are really holding us back and killing us when we could be connected to and have our brains adapt to advanced technology. Improve as time passes rather than deteriorate. Not sure why people are so attached to being dying meat bags and then dying.

  20. Great video. I hope that none of us finds out that we are inside of a jar.

    I get the feeling that modern virtual reality footage like this will look very dated in 5-10 years as technology progresses.

  21. Yeah I'm in the Microsoft: Year 2000 simulator. Should've bought the 3000BC simulator instead, I hate the meme things that my virtual friends tag me in.

  22. A question regarding your video filming process: At 3:20 were the moves she made scripted, or did you come up with what to say from her moves? Just curious about how your work process is.

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