5 Scary Things Caught on Camera By Drones / GoPro Karma

The Top 5 Scary and Mysterious Things Caught by Drones on camera and GoPro, including some scary things that you might not expect. In this best top 5 list we cover everything from the supernatural with alleged ghosts caught on camera by drones, to creepy aerial video of surfers actually floating on top of sharks, completely unaware. There’s also analysis of fpv video and quadcopter footage from the initial launch of the GoPro Karma drone, which had random power losses that made it a danger to both the pilot and people below when it failed. Including footage from DJI and GoPro Hero 6 cameras.

Thes are true scary stories caught on camera by drone operators.

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Top 5 Scariest Things Caught on GoPro Camera


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About the Author: Nuke's Top 5


  1. Cannok chase is now partly burnt down so hope that ghost is gone plus it’s way too big to be a girl also people can get married there don’t ask y

  2. Don’t come at me but in my school we learned about how to make fake photos look real and the cover of the photo we learned about that shark and much of other things so this is fake

  3. The ram probably didn't understand what the loud buzzing thing was and was afraid so it was defending itself. Also sharks don't normally hunt humans, most shark attacks when they do happen are a case of mistaken identity, so saying thankfully they weren't hungry that day sounds pretty inaccurate.

  4. drone hits men in the face "Oh look!" *Women laughs*… I swear sweetie you wouldn't laugh like that if that happens to you… Karma will come…

  5. Maybe if the idiot wouldn’t shove his damn drone camera up in the rams face while it’s minding it’s own business eating, he wouldn’t have gotten attacked…

  6. I knew the white pointer and girls on the thumbnail were click bait…I just fckn new it! Why didn't you put the actual picture of your little reef sharks on there? Oh i know because it's not worth fvkn watching.. Neither was the rest of the clips of drone operators friends pretending to be ghosts!

  7. Basically, nÂē5 is the most scary as we ll know ut has happened and can happen again, the others well,even nÂē1 does NOT seem at all as a ghost,unless its a narcissistic one fixing her hair,and for the sharks, now now, if it was a great white shark silhouete THAT would be scary or even bull sharks, but nurse sharks? not really, still nice try

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