IGN BACKTRACKS On Their Sonic Unleashed Review??! | Reacting To IGN's Top 10 Sonic Games

IGN BACKTRACKS On Their Sonic Unleashed Review??! | Reacting To IGN's Top 10 Sonic Games

My Main (Non-Sonic) Channel: https://www.youtube.com/PREMulous So today we’re gonig to be doing a reacting to IGN’s Top 10 …


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About the Author: premydaremy


  1. So glad they backtracked on unleashed, its a sonic game i go back and replay start to finish and i never not have fun with it, it feels so complete and it feels like the last sonic game sega poured everything they have into and theres no way i will never be able not to respect that

  2. Personally i think every 3D Sonic game is better than the 2D games ( except for lost world and forced) and the top 3 is easily 3 and knuckles, adventure 2 and unleashed with zero competition

  3. I have to agree with you on Generations being the best entry point for new fans. It's a great representation of the series, like you said, showing the best parts of the series (plus 06) and just being a good game, and also something YouTuber Matthasnocuts said was that something a lot of people don't get about Sonic is the focus on replaying each level until you master it, but Generations is able to sell people on that idea while not being quite as challenging as other Sonic games.

    Also IGN putting Sonic Advanced over Sonic Unleashed, Rush, 2, 3 and Knuckles, Colors, and even CD is mega cap. It's good, but not better than those other games.

  4. I love CD, but even I will say that 2 is more polished. Even if you compare original 2 vs the Christian Whitehead remaster it's still more polished. Some parts of the stage don't fit that well, and it needs to be a bit more open so you can more easily go from start to end and then from end to start, since it is about exploration after all.

  5. It might be my basis but I actually think Sonic Forces (console) was good. It was one of the first sonic games I played (Gens 3DS and DS Classic collection being the ones before) and I would go as far as to say that Forces was one of the BEST sonic games of all time (not counting Mania)

  6. tbh my list was a lot different
    1. SA2
    2. Heroes
    3. Generations
    4. Lost World
    5. SA1
    6. Rise of Lyric
    7. Colors
    8. Shadow
    9. 06
    10. Unleashed
    I didn't like the others

  7. Unpopular opinion but in MY opinion shadow the hedgehog is the best game growing up I like fighting games and shooting games and when I saw this game I fell in love feel like it’s a VERY underrated game

  8. Sonic unleashed is in my top 3 y’all Tripping. I actually like the werehog levels but they should have gave different battle themes during the regular stages.
    Sonic rush is one of favs every i with we could get a remake for switch
    Color’s is to short compared to generations and unleashed.
    I agree with generations personally.

  9. TBH Its hard for me to rank Sonic game because they are all so different from one another. the games might result in being mid and unfinished sometimes but they always keep it different. Sonic team is the Kanye West of video games Forces was Jesus is King, hopefully Frontiers is our Donda.

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