Laurie Anderson Interview: A Virtual Reality of Stories

Laurie Anderson Interview: A Virtual Reality of Stories

In this exclusive video, Laurie Anderson presents her prizewinning virtual reality work from 2017: β€œI wanted to see what it would be …


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About the Author: Louisiana Channel


  1. i remember this one piece of music in this beinh absolutely beautiful. i think it was when you come into the tree space (but it's not the piece heard in this video) – was the music from this ever released anywhere or anything?

  2. β€œI really want to make things that break your heart,” says Anderson of the project’s intentions .. β€œI don’t want to make it clever or interesting – if it’s like that, good .. But I want to create an emotional situation .. Like a song, a really beautiful song, that then becomes your song .. You’re like, β€˜oh, I understand what that’s about’. And you then own that song.” β–‘β–’β–“β–ˆ(β—•β€Ώβ—•βœΏ)β€β–ˆβ–“β–’β–‘ Beautiful Beautiful CoLab β€πŸ™ŒπŸ€—

  3. I experienced this in Montreal, Canada at a museum that featured 10 VR experiences. Totally amazing …. I've never done Heroin, but this felt like a drug flying around this amazing Virtual World.

  4. This Chalkroom was a fabulous experience @MassMoCA It was like flying in my dreams as a kid. I stood to fly faster and hit the ceiling, then Β fell down because of the impact! So fun. You have to make an appointment ahead.

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