The United States is actually behind cryptocurrency? They appear bullish on Crypto! Cryptocurrency News!
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I'm all for governments getting involved as long as they don't over regulate
It’s a good thing our government is on our side
Yes e-coin is bad. I think the government doesn't fully understand crypto like 80% of the world but eventually they will!!!
Nice video
Just letting you know what I’ve been up to lately! I’ve been involved with Socrates Coin, which is the crypto of knowledge that is going to launch the virtual University “Nauka”.
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Let me know if you want to be involved!
Disclaimer: this is not investment advice! Just information. ?
Finally some positive talking about crypto! We need as much good media coverage as possible to expose the market to new potential investors! I hope the ASIA learn from the American government and gives crypto a chance instead of banning it right away! GO CRYPTO!
Crypto is the future
This is good news and hopefully will create further support for the CryptoCurrency space.
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We appreciate all your work and information you are helping to drive Young and old to cryto
It’s awesome that the “Man” is looking at the crypto space as a serious thing instead of being afraid of it!
You know in the US the government will get in to it when there is money involved Tax this is a must and they will have Fed Coin coming soon But we will stand better more money will go in to crytocurrency… 1FRQW3E6ExUtQnSUSBrRPmbmG1XCFKGRfj
Hey Hey Hey….. So i missed out on buying some LTC for £80 but FOMO is a terrible thing but i think one or 2 minor dips then…..Then… we'll have to hold on to our hats haha……HODL!!!
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Cheers dude keep up the good videos
The market is going up again! feels good haha
The government is starting to get behind it and with that a lot more of the general population.
That's good positivity!!!!
is anyone else worried about Substratum. theyre project is awesome, but im losing confidence they can actually deliver!
I don't really mind seeing seas of red as I believe its gives small investors the best chance to get in and make some money. Big investors already in will eventually get their investment+gains back and everyone is happy.
It's nice to see a little bounce back but I have a feeling we will be here for a little longer. I'd prefer to see it find a steady floor first and then rise slowly and build real strength rather than blast up fast again. Long term greatness!!!! It will be important for the government to find a way to work with crypto because it will be tough to control it and only hurt in the long run.
I so appreciate this channel! getting into crypto hard lately and always look for guidance. Bitcoin address: 1CD55gaPDyfwEWZmQgxLxfaDw5jPKHb5cn
YESSS! A move in the right direction
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u should at least have a 2-3 year game plan and be prepared for the market to be slow for atleast till the end of this month. just be patient and buy the project and not the hype
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With the government not being so strict on crypto maybe this will get more investors involved because they will feel safer.
Thank you for the valuable information! Keep up the good work!
I think March would be very bullish on account if Asian markets financial year end..
Green baby green!!!
What is TRX looking like? 14UFpvsmnJHg3W3Rf1Nqx6zFhsCiQ6uasp
Great news!
I've been sitting on the sidelines for about a month. I'm planing to invest crypto when it begins to recover. Thank you for your insight into the market. I'm hoping to ride it up the next bull trend.
I think it is extremely important to note that relationships are driving policy. We all need to be speaking good of crypto currency to our friends. They will talk with others who will share it with others. This has the potential to be a financial revolution.
I think the government are secretly buying crypto up
Markets still got more bleeding to do but hopefully it'll begin to pick up sometime soon. We can only hope the market will rise soon enough
Glad our lawmakers are keeping an open mind on 189Ezv25nJkfYyPCuM7EhUC3TUUB323aaT
this is great news!
Market is building again nicely
I bet some people in Senate HODL cryptos in their wallets 🙂
Love your video thank you
Hope to hear more good news more often.
the government is in the business of making money. there is way too much potential in crypto for them to stop it. everybody wins
So the govt thinks positively of the crypto market.very good to know that.certainly it will attract more buyers. Good for the crypto market
Good to see the govt statement.one day crypto is gonna be mainstream
Thanks a lot for pointing to manipulated currencies, you are true friend!
That's a huge relief coz some govts are declaring it as illegal stuff.definitely gonna attract more people towards crypto
Great content man keep it up I think market start to recover
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i hope i winnnn
Wow…this is actually surprising that the government just didn't trash cryptos as usual. Gives me hope that the market may grow bigger sooner than we expect. Anything that isn't more FUD is refreshing.
good new..US positive about crypto..
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✌? from Germany! You are awesome