Artreyo “Dimez” Boyd, the top pick of the NBA 2K Draft for Mavs Gaming, plays some NBA 2K and talks about how his life has changed since the draft.
Artreyo “Dimez” Boyd, the top pick of the NBA 2K Draft for Mavs Gaming, plays some NBA 2K and talks about how his life has changed since the draft.
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What's a fat man with a controller in his hands doing on ESPN?
I'm a cavs too and have faith in them winning it all regardless who comes outta the west
Who gives a fuck man
obv u dont have real basketball iq. u dont even play outside
end the 2k league. barely 2k views
Only 2 views speaks for it self
would've got slapped if I wore that shirt on tv that Tyler is wearing
I never thought I’d see the day
He gonna be a bust, he's a combine athlete, just looks good in tight dri-fit clothes. They shoulda drafted the other nerd
"Nice.. ah pleasure to be here." Just fantastic
Wow ESPN y’all really taking this serious
This is actually pretty fucking sad lol
The host was terrible
Can y'all stop fucking hating? You knew what this video was before you clicked.
Did he just compare this dude to LeBron ?
More worried about eSports than fixing the game…
All those hours in Mums basement paid off ☝???
trash, whomp whomp
How did ESPN go from athletes to fat nerds playing video games
Lol They started the eLeague a month after the game started dying.
How does one person guard two defenders that’s some high iq shit lol
Troydan is better than Keenan Thompson
is this a joke?
Man this comment section about to be brutal af
The amount of dislikes compared to likes lmaoo
Why do yall niggas hate on everything loool let the nigga live
All the dislikes are straight haters ? over a fucking video game !!! What's wrong with you people ?
I was the number one pick too……….. out of my mum's womb.
This comment section gonna be brutal ??
That's the first time he ever been picked first . Lmao.
?ESPN y'all can't be serious WTF?
1 view .. 4 comments . Hmm sounds about right .. I knew people didn't care for video game "sports" but damn .. lol
This E League shit is diminishing the quality of 2K. 2K18 is dumpster juice as we know it and I don't see 2K19 getting any better. They're building the game for casuals with no skill and for this gaming league, in which the fun factor is limited in exchange for "competitiveness".
Gameplay is garbage lmao look at that shit while they’re playing
I think I can beat him add me JUMPMANSTOOPID
Nigga knew he was gonna be number 1