To get clarity to more such concepts, Buy the Book::“BITCOIN BASICS” LOGIC AND MGIC OF DIGITAL GOLD” :: https://amzn.to/2Icrb9O
This Video is a discussion on Dogecoin, understanding Dogecoin, its use cases and why not to invest in it.
Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency based on the Japanese breed of dog Shiba Inu was floated for fun and to facilitate tipping. Dogecoin was created by programmer Billy Markus and Jackson palmer, who hoped to create a fun cryptocurrency that could reach a broader demographic than Bitcoin. In addition, he wanted to distance it from the controversial history of other coins.
On December 25, 2013, the first major theft of Dogecoin occurred when millions of coins were stolen during a hack on the online cryptocurrency wallet platform Dogewallet.
The hacker gained access to the platform’s file system and modified its send/receive page to send any and all coins to a static address.
How to create Dogecoin Paper Wallet:: https://walletgenerator.net
———————-Imp Video Links————————
1: RBI BITCOIN BAN 5TH JULY STEP 1:: https://youtu.be/FL3aKvE_ZdA
2: RBI BITCOIN BAN 5TH JULY STEP 2:: https://youtu.be/HKNCm9ReICs
1: How to create Dogecoin Paper Wallet:: https://walletgenerator.net
2: Article on Dogecoin by Shivendra Mishra :: https://medium.com/cryptoxtech/whats-up-with-dogecoin-90bb6fdcf741
3: Wikipedia Dogecoin:: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogecoin
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Necessary Links::
Quora:: https://www.quora.com/profile/Gaurav-Bansal-16
Facebook:: https://www.facebook.com/bitcoinbasics.club/
Linkedin:: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gauravbansal2/
All Cryptocurrency (also referred as Virtual Currency or Digital Asset) recommendations and comments are the personal opinion of Mr. Gaurav Bansal.
Investors should be cautious about any and all Cryptocurrency recommendations. Various factors, including personal ownership, may influence or factor into analysis or opinion.
All investors are advised to conduct their own independent research into individual Cryptocurrency before making a purchase decision.
The content in this video is provided for information purpose only, without any representations, warranties or conditions of any kind.
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