Virtual Desktop Oculus Go! Remotely Access Your PC In Virtual Reality

Virtual Desktop on Oculus Go is almost here! With Virtual Desktop on Oculus Go you can remotely access your PC from anywhere in the world using virtual …


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About the Author: Virtual Reality Oasis


  1. Awesome video Mike, I'd already bought virtual desktop when it was early access on steam and I'm sure I emailed the developer and he gave me a key for the Oculus version, wonder if they'd do the same for Oculus go!
    EDIT, actually now I think about it, a lot of work would of gone into making the go version and being able to stream your pc so I suppose it's only fair I should throw my money at it ?

  2. Just a thougt. Play Playstation remote on the virt desktop? To much "middle hands" to make it work? I Think, play first person gta5 or red dead2….dreaming is a powerful thing. Sorry for my English

  3. I was thinking about using it for productivity. How's the lag? Do you think I could type something in word or excel? I know I wouldn't be able to see a physical keyboard, but I could still type on it without looking. I tried the bigscreen beta streamer before and it was really laggy. I'm not sure how long I would be able to work while wearing the go headset, but I have a dream of a monitor-less workspace. I'll probably have to wait until hololens v2 before I can do that…

  4. Speech to text will work? I’m a Mac user so don’t know if windows has a similar dictation feature, but I’m wondering if the mic from the oculus go will work.

  5. So I’m curious about what you should do with your graphics settings while playing games. Say my pc’s monitor is 1440p, so obviously my games are configured to run at that resolution. Do I need to adjust anything while playing on the Go?

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