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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. You could buy that tiny $35 speaker or you could buy a google home which can do all the same things and much more for $50. ($35 if there’s a sale) like come on.

  2. "Whit noise makes you more relaxed" is the biggest bullshit ever. I do some researches about that and at this point it came that it might be more harmful than profitable

  3. there's this site i used sometimes for some white noise called my noise. they had the craziest white noise options and fully customizable. it's still there and they even added some rpg dungeon white noise for games lol there was this in utero noise which was kinda bubbly and felt like you were back in your moms womb as a fetus (oh the freudian discussions this one would bring up) xD

  4. The usb device may become useless for iphones as apple is planning to make the lightning port incapable of receiving or uploading data in defence against the GreyBox

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