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About the Author: IGN


  1. How about the fact that his family has said they are against this movie and that it does not correctly depict the man, instead exploits and over sensationalizes his life for profit.

  2. In the year 2030
    Ign: this is without question te greatest thing in entertainment history. This is the absolute peak of human perfection and every sould must experience it

  3. Tolkien said many times that the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit were NOT based on his life. This movie is a false representation. Even his son has not agreed with this film.

  4. In the beginning there was an engagement ring.
    followed by the binding of two lives with the marriage ring.
    all that remains, all that follows is the suffering.

  5. Said nothing negative and still gave it a 7. Please IGN, you want us to take you seriously or have you given up at this point?

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